VHB is master planning a new I-Drive site that encompasses the former Artegon Marketplace mall and parking area into a vibrant, mixed-use residential sanctuary that will include apartments, street-facing retail, a hotel, and a redeveloped mall. The project team designed multiple, safe points of connection to accommodate an increase in pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists. VHB landscape architects designed tree-lined sidewalks, improved wayfinding, and enhanced green space for relaxation and respite. The project incorporates healthy community design and planning standards to transform the parcel from languid to livable. Traffic planning was critical for one of the busiest tourist corridors in the U.S.
Artegon Marketplace Redevelopment
Orlando, FL

Dezer Development LLC
Bikeway & Pedestrian Planning & Design
Civil Engineering
Environmental Services
Landscape Architecture
Land Survey
Stormwater Design & Engineering
Traffic Impact Analysis