To provide a unified 30-year vision for future growth and development, as well as identify transportation investments necessary to support Coweta County’s vision, VHB led the development of joint Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) and Comprehensive Plan updates. In partnership with Coweta County, the VHB team spent time with the community and stakeholders to bring together prior planning efforts and update the plans’ vision, goals, and objectives to reflect the desires of those who live, work, and spend time in Coweta County. VHB developed a Growth Strategy Framework grounded in the County’s adopted Land Development Guidance System. Existing conditions related to the County’s demographics, land use, travel trends, and transportation facilities and services were examined alongside the updated transportation goals and objectives, the Growth Strategy Framework, and community input to identify the current and future multimodal needs. The Framework guided appropriate transportation infrastructure investments recommendations to support desired future growth while preserving the County’s rural, small-town character.
Coweta County Joint Comprehensive Transportation Plan & Comprehensive Plan Updates
Coweta, GA

Coweta County
Comprehensive Plans
Transportation Planning & Engineering