Developers, institutions, state and local government leaders, and economic development agencies are creating high-quality environments that attract visitors, tenants, and investment capital to the Carolinas. VHB is collaborating with our clients to develop their strategic visions that can endure the constant evolution of the development arena and support their growth and investments.
Demographic shifts; advances in technology; social, health, and economic factors are continually driving the demand for new facilities. For more than 45 years, VHB has collaborated with our clients to maximize project value and create meaningful places where people live, work, and play.
Population growth in the Carolinas has increased the demand for new facilities across the region. This, coupled with the fluctuating economy, influences how we approach the design and development process. Our integrated approach to project design, permitting, and construction begins with high-level planning that’s strategic, contextual, and adaptable. Our deep knowledge of the market and strong local relationships with regulatory agencies enables us to move projects forward to meet opening day schedules.
VHB’s people-centric approach considers the needs, aspirations, and cultural identity of places to design attractive multifamily, commercial, higher education, healthcare, industrial, and transit-oriented development that brings people together.