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MTA Program Management & Design Services Contract

New York, NY

With a historic $54.8 billion Capital Program, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has launched an aggressive State of Good Repair initiative that will make significant investments in New York City’s subways, buses, railroads, bridges, and tunnels over the next five years.

VHB, in a Joint Venture (JV) with Arcadis, is partnering with MTA to support its Capital Program Infrastructure work through the multi-million-dollar Program Management and Design (PM&D) Services contract. The team is performing overall program management, preliminary design services for design-build procurements, and final design services for design-bid-build procurements at bus facilities, line structures, rail facilities, and wayside power locations. This includes the full or partial modernization and replacement of freight and passenger elevators within the MTA's infrastructure. The JV team will also work closely with the MTA in the meaningful engagement of stakeholders, community members, and transit riders. Consisting of 51 projects in four programmatic disciplines, the contract will be completed within a compact 16-month schedule.

Through the program, MTA is focused on long-term sustainability and resilience of its system.  By addressing critical maintenance and repair work the MTA can continue to support social equity and overall mobility by creating a faster, more accessible, and more reliable public transportation system. The MTA is also committed to delivering economic and environmental benefits, including reducing maintenance costs, extending the life of facilities, replacing inefficient equipment, and driving economic growth in the region by bringing existing assets to a state of good repair.

Train station platform in Brooklyn looking toward Manhattan skyline.


  • Metropolitan Transportation Authority


  • Alternative Delivery

  • Program Management

  • Public Outreach

  • Site/Civil Engineering

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Structures Design & Engineering

  • Transit Planning & Design

  • Transit Signal Systems Design


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